Today, work is a four-letter word


And Working Stiffed hopes to be the fourteen-letter response. When we created this forum, we were mindful of  the 16th century theologian who once observed that in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. As many 21st century corporate employees, freelancers and consultants can tell you, if that one-eyed “king” is a corporate decision-maker, then his one good eye has a big, fat cataract.

We, at Working Stiffed, feel your pain. Whether you toil for endless hours at a job for much less than you used to make, or you’re looking for work and pound the virtual pavement for weeks or months on end with no takers, or you’re a consultant or freelancer who is constantly being asked to do more for less…only to wait forever to be paid…we’ve been there…we’ve done that.

Like you, we’re mad as hell and we’re not going to take it anymore! Well, we may have to take it, but it doesn’t mean we have to like it.

Working Stiffed is here for you. We’ll share our experiences with you and we  invite you to do the same.

Maybe if we can point a spotlight on the current FUBAR state of the American Dream and the alienation of the U.S. work force, we can make a difference.


2 thoughts on “Today, work is a four-letter word”

  1. One eye with a cataract killed me!, LOL.

    With or without surgery the “king” with the one eyed will always be blind cataract or not, as long as their is layers upon layers of political bullshit.

    When will we get back to good ol American hard work pays off. I for one am not feeling that passionate these days.

    Keep the post coming.

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