American Workers Thrown Under the Omnibus Spending Bill


It’s less than a week before Christmas, so it must be time for Congress to perform yet another hate crime against the American people…the people they were hired to represent (but rarely do). As always, they try to slip through the most revolting legislation in the dead of night, preferably on a holiday, when they hope most of us will be too drunk on eggnog to pay attention. I’m surprised they didn’t pull this latest legislative abomination on Christmas Eve, actually. Maybe they were counting on all of us to be blinded by light sabers after watching the latest Star Wars sequel.

At 2 a.m. Wednesday morning, Paul Ryan, unveiled a trillion dollar omnibus spending bill to his colleagues that included a number of jaw-dropping provisions; many of which further assaulted U.S. workers and our ability to find and retain meaningful employment. Basically, the bill:

  • Strips protections for low-wage American workers
  • Quadruples the number of foreign workers in the U.S. through the H2-B visa program

Meet the new boss…same as the old boss…

Paul Ryan, the overwhelming choice for House Speaker (by both democrats and republicans) after John Boehner was “smoked out” a few months ago, has now ably demonstrated that the more things change, the more they stay the same.

If they ever consider making another “Despicable Me” sequel, Paulie can throw on a gender-neutral, yellow minion costume and drag on Boehner’s nicotine- and alcohol-stained coattails, while obediently squeaking incoherently.

Wedged into the 2,000 page bill was a provision that allows employers to import up to 264,000 low-wage foreign workers under the H2-B “guest worker” program; this more than quadruples the 2015 maximum of 66,000. The program allows these low-skilled “seasonal” workers to stay for up to 10 months.

Apparently, Congress thinks that there are an awful lot of jobs that Americans won’t do. We know otherwise. Up to 200,000 blue collar hotel, construction and other service industry workers could find themselves out of work without re-employment options. The omnibus bill not only allows employers to set migrant worker wages, it also allows them to cut the hourly wages paid to American workers. How’s that for representation?

The bill was passed by the House (by a 2-1 margin) just days after the Pew Research Center reported that the American middle class is indeed shrinking, and just weeks after another recent Pew Research poll found that 83 percent of American voters want to see the level of immigration frozen or reduced.

Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), expressed his exasperation in a passionate speech on the House floor; he chided his colleagues for readily supporting the bill, despite the fact that the nation’s labor force participation rate is at just 62 percent.

“The people sent us here (Washington) to protect their interests,” Sessions said. “They did not send us here to bow down to the president’s lawless immigration policies or to line the pockets of special interests in big business.”

Sadly, Mr. Sessions…that’s just what they did. The hubris of this group is unbelievable. How long will we allow this to go on?

Psychic Ability: The Best Skill a Freelancer Can Have

Being a freelancer these days has a lot of perks: you make your own work schedule and you can work from the comfort of your home, thus you can avoid messy office politics, getting stuck in commuter traffic and blowing your ever-shrinking “gig economy” earnings on a “business casual” wardrobe and workplace lunches.

Sure, there are some challenges to freelancing, like convincing clients that your rates are reasonable while they plead poverty or hide behind budget cuts, or getting them to pay you on time (or at all), or having to diplomatically push back on their requests for additional revisions or input that they don’t feel they should have to pay extra for.

Still, the biggest challenge I’ve found as a freelancer is my lack of psychic ability.

If you’re a freelancer, you may have noticed that your clients tend to fall into two categories:

  • Small businesses that need to hire you because they don’t have the in-house talent to do what you do (e.g., marketing, Web development, etc.).
  • Middle managers in mid- to large-size companies that have downsized their marketing or IT departments into oblivion who need you to help them get the work done (without having to offer you a steady salary or benefits).

Champagne Dreams on a Spam Budget

Small business clients don’t like budgeting for anything outside of their company’s inventory, so when they reach the painful conclusion that they need to hire you to help increase their brand’s visibility, your biggest challenge is usually managing their expectations.

Even if you find yourself pricing their projects on the low end of your rate scale and they can only offer you a limited amount of work, some clients will expect your handiwork to deliver astounding results in record time.

This is when the fun starts. With some small business clients, you can expect one or both of the following outcomes:

(a) You will spend the next three months asking for your money.

(b) Your client will continue to ask/expect you to do more work outside of the scope of your original agreement until they feel they got an adequate return on their investment. Some of us foolishly keep feeding this beast in the hope that someday these clients will actually pay us for the original work.

If you were psychic, you could avoid a lot of aggravation by knowing ahead of time who won’t pay you or who will likely run you into the ground making you “earn” your money.

I May Not Know What I Want…But I Know What I Don’t Want

Sometimes it’s easier to work with mid- or large-size businesses, because the  manager who hires you is more likely to process your invoice…unless they are so overworked that they keep forgetting to do so (which happens more often than is acceptable). Still, as long as they have the budget, you’re not likely to get any push-back or experience unreasonable haggling.

The biggest challenge of freelancing for larger companies is that the mid-level managers who tend to hire you are so overworked that even though they desperately need your help, they often don’t have the time to provide you with what you need to do the job right.

As their hired gun, you’re priority No. 59 on their long to-do lists…way below assisting their VPs and other important business stakeholders, planning the company United Way drive, booking their vacations, arranging their bimonthly date nights with their spouses, finding babysitters for their children or getting their dogs groomed.

Sometimes these clients don’t even know what they’re asking for, while other times all they know is what they don’t want. And woe to the freelancer who receives limited guidance and inadvertently submits what they don’t want.

These clients expect you to have the skill to write or develop exactly what they would, if they only had the time. So what if they’ve had months or years to become well-acquainted with their company’s business objectives, and to attend company-sponsored training and meetings on a regular basis when you haven’t? You oughta know what they’re looking for, anyway, dammit!

The Phantom Lucrative Project

Another potential pitfall of being hired by a large company is one I call “the phantom lucrative project.” A typical scenario involves you blocking out weeks to do a job after being hired by a large, reputable company. Sometimes, you’ll be so happy you got the gig that you’ll celebrate by going on a shopping spree for laptops, patio furniture…or food, if things have been tight for you financially of late.

Then, you hear nothing more from them. When you contact your client, you are given excuses as to why the project is being delayed (e.g., they were on vacation, the project still needs approvals that your client wasn’t aware weren’t in place when he or she hired you, etc.).

The fact that you turned down smaller projects to work on their mega-project doesn’t resonate with them. After all, these people get paid even when they’re working on their tans in Cabo.

Sometimes, if you’re really lucky, you’ll wait for weeks to start the project only to be told that it’s been canceled (again, for any number of reasons from budget cuts, to the need to move resources to a more important project, or the project has been mothballed so long it’s actually now irrelevant…or the sponsor was terminated).

Having the psychic intuition to avoid these phantom projects would help keep you that much further away from financial ruin.

Having a pay-or-play deal in place would also help. Unfortunately, unless you have a waiting list of clients or you’re regularly profiled by the top trade media in your field, that ship won’t sail. Your prospective client will just move on to another freelancer who will agree to grant the company the option of leaving them hanging without compensation. Ah, the joys of working in the “gig economy.”

Since I wasn’t born with psychic ability, I’ve decided that the best gift I can receive this Christmas is a crystal ball that can offset my psychic shortcomings…or better yet, a winning mega-jackpot lottery ticket that would get me out from under the freelancer-client bus for good.

Pew! Something Stinks: the Disappearing American Middle Class

Anyone who is surprised by the recent Pew Research Center report that the American middle class is “losing ground” hasn’t been paying attention.

Even Helen Keller could have seen this coming. According to the report, the rich keep getting obscenely richer. You don’t say! Another shocker: more than a quarter of adult Americans 65 or older improved their bottom lines (26.7 percent), while many of the rest of us have been bleeding out financially.Pew Research_Middle Class

Ah, yes, the postwar “me-me-me generation” of baby boomers; the generation that was in charge in the ‘90s. Some of their notable achievements:

  • Supporting job-busting “trade” agreements (NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT, et al.), which laid the groundwork for the even more suicidal TPP
  • They converted the personal-sounding term “personnel” into the more disposable-sounding “human resources”…morphed “hiring” into “onboarding” … and turned “firing” into the sterile “offboarding” or murderous “terminating”
  • And now, many won’t retire, even when they are comfortable financially, making an already tight labor market even less accessible to the rest of us

Me-me-me to the end.

The study also showed that from 1970-2015, adult blacks saw a larger increase in income than any other racial or ethnic group (up 11.2 percent), and blacks were also the only group not to experience a decline in their lower-income share. See? Sometimes black lives do matter!

Married people with or without children at home also fared much better than single people. That makes sense, since it now takes two salaries to equal half of what one salary was worth 10 years ago.

Pew defines middle class Americans as adults whose annual income is double to two-thirds of the national median wage. In 1971, 61 percent of adult Americans enjoyed middle class status; that rate has plunged to only 50 percent now. The number of high income American adults spiked from 14 percent to 21 percent, and the number of low income households also increased (from 25 percent to 29 percent).

All in all, the study further validates Ross Perot’s “giant sucking sound” prediction. In 1992, he warned that America’s labor market would be destroyed if NAFTA passed; how right he was. The report charts the decline of our middle class beginning in the early ‘90s and accelerating considerably in the ‘00s.

By then, NAFTA was really kicking into gear and virtually all of our manufacturing jobs were exported overseas. I just hope that Chinese factory workers can take a break from making our iPhones every once in a while to make enough respirators for the citizens of Beijing. Sure, let’s cry for the polar bears while our captains of industry suffocate the poor Chinese people with low-cost, unregulated manufacturing and limited breathable air.

With our manufacturing gone, our labor market now consists primarily of very high- or very low-skilled occupations.

But, wait, there’s more!

In recent years, our crooked Congressional “representatives” continued to beat the walking dead middle class by boosting the number of tech “guest” work visas granted to their corporate sponsors.  U.S. workers in high-skilled positions are now routinely replaced by foreign “guests” who are paid much less.

Congress also has allowed an endless parade of illegal aliens to cross our open boarder and they are now calling for us to import Syrian refugees to fill the low-skilled jobs that Americans supposed won’t do. It’s clear that the psychopaths running our government are fast-tracking us to Third World status. And…we’re…letting…them. Why?

Each holiday season, retailers bemoan the fact that people aren’t spending as much as they used to. Well, if we don’t have jobs, or the jobs we have pay less they used to, or we are “gig” employees who don’t know if or when we’ll see another paycheck, then the odds are pretty good that we’re not going to have a lot of Benjamins…or bitcoins…or any type of digital currency…to slide across your registers or online shopping carts.

In my last post, I described how today’s U.S. worker is trapped in an environment of economic cannibalism; the Pew study proves it.

Pew. Something sure does stink around here.