The Deep State Coup of Trump Will Kill Economic Recovery

There is a deep state coup in the works right now that stands to destroy the Trump-driven economic recovery we are currently experiencing, as well as our constitutional republic. This is a most frightening development for the millions of Americans who are finally starting to get back on their feet after suffering economic destitution during Obama’s divisive, un-American eight-year reign. Lies and misery will be that clown’s legacy.

I make this observation from personal experience, not force-fed, regurgitated talking points from MSM or alternative media outlets. During Obama’s last five years in office, I came close to losing everything I had worked hard to attain throughout my 35-year career, including my home.

Proof of Trump’s Economic Recovery

I enjoyed a moderately successfully career in middle management until the company I worked for was acquired by a competitor in 2011. That’s when my nightmare began. I was one of many casualties of the merger & acquisition (M&A) craze that has infested our economy in the 21st century, antitrust laws be damned. Monopoly is not only a board game, it’s the new normal for Corporate America.

I wasn’t immediately concerned when I was displaced, because I was very good at my job and had excellent references. I wasn’t prepared for the radical changes that had taken place under Obama’s then two-year tenure as president.

I soon discovered that the gig economy was being peddled as the new norm and full-time jobs had disappeared. Obamacare made employers resistant to hiring full-timers and I found myself competing against a flood of H1-B Visa employees or cheap offshore labor. I was stuck in a transient employment hell world. Since I live alone and support myself, this was a disastrous situation.

As the years ticked by, I found myself lurching from one short-term “gig” to the next, sometimes going months between assignments. While I waiting for Obama’s “hope” and “change” to kick in, I nibbled away at my modest nest egg until it was almost depleted. And when I needed to withdraw money from my 401(k) to pay my bills and eat, I was penalized, despite being just a few years short of the being eligible to withdraw these funds without penalty.

Obama never waived these penalties or offered any assistance to the middle class workers who were sliding into impoverishment; in fact, he worked overtime to hasten our demise by pushing for the job-killing, globalist screw job known as the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP). He had fundamentally transformed America, all right, but not in the way he led most of us to believe he would when he bullshitted us into voting for him (twice, in my case).

Because of Obamacare, I went without insurance for two years. I couldn’t afford it and, to add insult to injury, I was subjected to penalties, which, duh!, I couldn’t afford, either. Medicaid wasn’t an option, because I managed to keep a couple of thousand in the bank.

For the first time in my life, I was uninsured and I was over 50. The blows kept coming and, like millions of other middle class U.S. citizens, I was sliding into the abyss. When I hear people say now that they wish Obama was still president, I’m sorry, but I want to hit them in the face with a shovel.

The day that Trump was elected, I had not had a single job prospect in five months and my home (which I love so much) had been on the market for a month. As hard as it was to have real estate agents show my beloved home, I prayed I could sell it before I ran out of money. I knew that if Hillary Clinton won, it would be game over for me.

I’m not surprised there’s an opioid epidemic; millions of Americans like me were made punch drunk with despair during Obama’s presidency. I never succumbed to the need to numb my pain or disengage from my hideous reality, but I can certainly understand why some people chose that dark road.

I was on my knees praying to God for an answer; a way out. Days later, Trump won the election and my life was transformed almost overnight.

Four days after Trump’s election, I got an offer for a full-time job. The pay wasn’t great, but it allowed me to pay my bills and take my home off the market. It was a real job with benefits. My phone started ringing and my email was filling up with job prospects (they still are). It was unreal! Four months later, I got another job making twice as much money. There is no question that Trump made all of this happen.

It didn’t surprise me to hear this week that during the first six months of Trump’s presidency, a million jobs were created and that investors in the stock market have made $4 trillion! And now that Trump has deep-sixed the Obamacare penalty and is tightening up immigration and work visa policies, wage growth is starting to become a reality after decades of stagnation!

The deep state doesn’t want to let Trump “Make America Great Again.” They are censoring or downplaying reports of the Trump recovery and they are openly calling for a coup.

Former CIA Director John Brennan, along with former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, went on Wolf Blitzer’s show a couple of weeks ago and called for a bipartisan Congressional coalition to remove Trump from office if he fired special prosecutor Mueller (the Clinton operative who was appointed to investigate Trump-Russian collusion, despite no evidence that any crime was committed).

A few days later, former Vice President Al Gore went on James Corden’s show and said that a “challenging event” is imminent regarding Trump. Really? What? An assassination, maybe? Why these treasonous piles of excrement haven’t been arrested, thrown in a dungeon and charged with sedition and/or treason is beyond me. Clearly, these traitors, minions of the deep state, are planning a coup.

Let me tell you something: the millions of Americans who are just starting to crawl out of Obama’s economic destitution pit are not going to take this lying down.

The elites and snowflakes who flipped out when Crooked Hillary lost, insist on calling us homophobic, misogynists and/or racists. They refuse to acknowledge that we voted for Trump, because we were being suffocated into nonexistence as a result of Obama’s policies…the same policies that Hillary Clinton was committed to maintaining and expanding.

These accusations were particularly hurtful to me as a lesbian who fought for LGBT rights in the 80s and 90s. I lost a lot of friends, as a matter of fact: people who have known me for decades unfriended me on Facebook and no longer speak to me. I thought these people knew and cared about me, but the mass mental illness that has resulted from the constant stream of hate and lies MSM and Hollywood are vomiting every minute has distorted their sense of reality.

Millions of friendships, marriages and family relationships all of over the country have been destroyed by this massive, collective manipulation. What the globalist, deep state propagandists are doing is positively diabolical.

As hurtful as these losses have been, I know they won’t compare to the devastation we will experience if we let these treasonous, un-elected members of the globalist deep state “eliminate” our president. It will mean the end of our country and dark days for all Americans.

The Impact of Syrian Refugee Migration on the U.S. Job Market

This Thanksgiving, Obama and the mainstream media outlets that promote his agenda, were working overtime to convince Americans that we should accept thousands, and eventually hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees, because it is “who we are” as a nation.

I have to ask: who are we as a nation? And does it even matter, now that Obama and Congress are working to dissolve the U.S. into a North American Union through the Trans-Pacific “Partnership” (TPP)?

Forgive me; I know this post is a little long, but I feel compelled to make a few points in support of the working stiffed in this country. And it seems that whenever I express the opinions that follow on Huffington Post or Facebook, they get scrubbed, even though I don’t use profane language or indulge in troll-like behavior. Censorship. Is that “who we are” as a nation? It would seem so.

There’s no question that the refugee crisis is a terrible human tragedy. And there’s also no question that the crisis was created by the criminal neocons in our government who insist on invading and overthrowing governments in the Middle East and Africa on behalf of their transnational bankster benefactors and Saudi Arabia.

But bring these people here? I don’t think so. I think it makes more sense to have the wealthy Middle Eastern countries like Saudi Arabia (the true architects of chaos in the region) resettle these poor people, as Ben Carson says. I don’t care for Carson, but his recommendation in this case makes the most sense.

Even if we can all agree that the majority of those seeking asylum are not ISIS terrorists, allowing hundreds of thousands of them to come here would be an act of economic terrorism against the millions of U.S. laborers and citizens who are struggling to survive in 21st century America.

Let me explain:

  • There are more than 94 million U.S. citizens out of the workforce; most don’t work because they can’t get jobs (people over 50 have it particularly rough)
  • A shocking number of our veterans (a number of whom were forced to do close to a dozen tours of duty), are homeless and/or have no access to health care
  • Our college students are saddled with an astounding amount of college loan debt that they can’t get rid of through bankruptcy—and to make matters worse, they have little hope of finding work to pay off their loans if or when they graduate
  • We are told that we “don’t have the money” to give Social Security recipients a cost of living increase next year (while commodity and food prices continue to soar)
  • We are facing the inevitability of more of our jobs being shipped overseas once our corrupt Congress passes the treasonous, sovereignty-destroying TPP
  • Obamacare penalizes poor people who can’t afford the program’s “affordable” health insurance by levying an unconstitutional tax/fine (taxation by citation)
  • No money is allocated to fix our crumbling infrastructure or to insulate our unprotected power grid (which means we will be knocked back into the Stone Age when, not if, we are hit by an EMP or solar flare)

I can go on. All things considered, should the refugees be our top priority? I don’t think so. Where is the public outrage over the issues I just outlined?

John Oliver recently went on a clever rant on his show about our “irrational fear” of allowing Syrian migrants into our country; he pointed out that they are thoroughly vetted. All I could think of while listening to him go on about the six or seven layers of scrutiny these people face is, why are we spending our money on this? When I think of the needs I list above, it’s downright criminal.

Not too long ago, Alex Nowrasteh, an immigration policy analyst at the (globalist-sponsored) Cato Institute’s Center for Global Liberty and Prosperity, published a piece in the Washington Post that argued for allowing the migration; he said it would even help our country.

He sought to ease the concerns of U.S. taxpayers who don’t support bankrolling the welfare and government programs these migrants will undoubtedly require if they are allowed to come. Nowrasteh proposes that Americans and charities (like the Cato Institute?) sponsor them, and in return, the U.S. government should lift all quotas and restrictions on work permits “without complicating regulations.” Really? Can you guess whose jobs they’ll need to take once their sponsors get them situated?

Even our most socialist-leaning president to date, Franklyn Roosevelt, closed our country’s borders during the Depression. He was focused on restoring the economic health of the country and helping to create jobs for U.S. citizens. It would be nice if Obama dedicated his rhetoric and actions in support of the Americans he was elected to represent, like Roosevelt did. Instead, he lobbies for job-destroying initiatives like the TPP and cheap labor through migration.

We are also repeatedly told the lie that migrants only take manual labor jobs that Americans don’t want. When I was growing up, I could easily get one of “those jobs that Americans don’t want.” They helped me save money for college and taught me how to be a responsible young adult; the crappy work and low pay of these jobs also served as an incentive for me to pursue higher education, so I could get “better” jobs.

These days, kids can’t get so-called “crappy jobs” easily, so they continue to depend on their already financially stressed parents for spending money, or they turn to crime. And now that our government has privatized prisons, kids who get caught committing crimes often find that their lives are essentially over before they’ve even begun.

The lie about the “jobs that Americans don’t want” has a counterpart in “the jobs that Americans can’t do.” Silicon Valley ushered in the era of the H-1B visa under the pretense that there aren’t enough trained U.S. workers to handle the volume of tech jobs they create. This has become an egregious tool of domestic economic cannibalism.

Fortune 500 companies like Disney and AT&T took that loophole and drove a truck through it, by importing low wage foreign workers by the thousands to replace qualified U.S. workers. As I write this, 1,200 displaced U.S. Disney workers are in New York training their foreign replacements.

A bipartisan Senate bill banning the replacement of U.S. workers with H-1B visa holders was just introduced. Hopefully, it will pass.

Lastly, there is the “we are all children of immigrants” argument. While that’s true, let’s take a closer look at that. When my grandparents legally migrated to this country after World War II, it was long before the banksters took over our republic and made it a plutocracy; the U.S. was truly a land of growth and opportunity. They wanted to come here sooner, but Roosevelt had closed the doors during the Depression, as I mentioned earlier; too many Americans were out of work….like now.

My grandparents came here to assimilate: they learned English, they pledged allegiance to the American flag and they built their businesses without imposing on American taxpayers. Now, in these times of PC psychosis, we must accommodate every culture to the point that we have become the national equivalent of the tower of babble.

As for those who support leaving our borders wide open by using the example of the Pilgrims coming to America, has anyone asked the Native Americans how that migration worked out for them? I didn’t think so.

Opposition to Syrian refugee migration is not about racism or hatred; it’s about economic feasibility. And, yes, there is some fear involved. After all, we just witnessed a handful of ISIS terrorists kill or injure close to 500 Parisians in less than an hour. It doesn’t take an army of people to take a country hostage.

Our focus needs to be on fixing our country and restoring our middle class. We can no longer afford to turn our backs on struggling U.S. citizens or to overlook the fact that we no longer manufacture anything. We also can’t continue to allow transnational companies incorporated here to ship U.S. jobs overseas at will or to import “migrants” who will work for much less.

Trying to distract us from our very real problems by promoting  cost-prohibitive, altruistic global outreach doesn’t help anyone. We are not the prosperous country we were 50 years ago; we are a nation in rapid decline. That, Mr. Obama, is unfortunately “who we are” now as a nation. Charity begins at home, Chief, so do us all a favor and re-prioritize and get busy before it’s too late.


The End Justifies the Memes: Candidates Run for Two Years as U.S. Workers Feel the “Bern”

We are one year away from the 2016 presidential election, yet we are already a full year into the campaign. The memes are pinging both sides of the political aisle, cleverly goofing on Trump’s ego or comb over, Bernie funding his social programs with pixie dust, or Hillary’s endless email server boondoggle.

Lost in the meme-ification of our thought processes, however, is deep thought and action. We are prone to McNuggeting our political acumen in 140 characters or less or through memes, which is why it comes as no surprise that most of us don’t get off our asses and call or email our so-called elected representatives and tell them to stop running for president long enough to walk through some legislation that will help boost our stagnant economy and improve our ability to make a living.Memes Presidential Election

No, we’ll just laugh create or laugh at the memes that depict the ugliness of today’s American economic landscape and let someone else do the heavy lifting. Disney is laying off qualified employees to import cheap overseas labor? There’s a meme for that. Robots are replacing workers at Lowe’s? There’s another meme. Uber is calling its driver employees contractors? There are plenty of memes dedicated to that…and on and on…

While you’re meme-ing, here’s what you’re missing: For close to a year, a handful of “sitting” members of Congress or governors have been running for the highest position in the country, CEO of the North American Union (I’m upgrading the title, because I’m sure the TPP will pass before the election and that is what the presidency will ultimately become).

These tax payer-funded, elected representatives are taking a two year paid break from their day jobs to lobby billionaire sponsors to bankroll their almost certain failed run for president.

Outside of Marco Rubio, some may show up once in a while to vote for a bill that their corporate lobbyists wrote, and there’s a slight chance they may even read the legislation before they propose or vote on it.

They definitely show up to vote for some bills, like the Keystone Pipeline bill (nine or 10 times? I lost count), or legislation that supports expanding the surveillance state, military spending or other issues of importance to their transnational sponsors. No love for the average American worker though.

On occasion their corporate “handlers” help them out by instructing them NOT to read or reveal details of certain legislation, as was the case with Obamacare, or as is currently the case with the totally toxic, job- and economy-destroying TPP. Why are we paying these guys, again?

Not one of these candidates has taken a break from the campaign trail long enough to draft legislation that will help the working stiffed in this country now. Actually, when was the last time any member of Congress wrote a bill themselves? The seventies? Again, why are we paying these guys?

We’re told to wait until they’re elected president a year from now and then they will miraculously persuade Congressional members from both parties to support their vision for a better America…yeah, right. What’s the definition of insanity? Doing (or voting for) the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

We elected these people to serve us now. I’m talking to you, Marco, Rand, Bernie, Ted and Chris. You say you’re worthy of the presidency? Show us. Don’t tell us what you’re going to do a year-and-a-half from now, while you spend your days looking for campaign money and kissing babies; write and propose legislation that can help the struggling American worker now…today.

I’m already “feeling the bern” and can’t wait for 2017, and neither should you. There’s a meme in there somewhere, right?